Snake Species Commonly Kept as Pets

Different Species of Snakes Kept as Pets

pet snake breeds
Pansfun Images / Stocksy United

There are more than 3,000 different snake species that have been discovered in the world. And that number changes regularly as more are discovered.

But not all species of snakes are kept as pets. The most commonly kept snakes are in the families of Boidae, Pythonidae, and Colubridae. Although you can probably get almost any kind of snake from a reptile show or online, your commonly kept pet snake species from these families are listed here. Many other kinds of snakes are kept as pets.


Pet Snakes: Names and Fun Facts


Red-Tail Boa

A kind of boa constrictor, the red-tail boa is regularly seen in the pet trade. Red-tails grow to be around 10 feet long but can be larger with lengths of 15 feet recorded. They don't make good pets for those unwilling to make the commitment to care for a snake that eats large rats or rabbits and can live about 30 years or longer in captivity.

They are known for the distinct red tip on the end of their tails.

JH Pete Carmichael / Getty Images

Kenyan Sand Boa

Growing to be about a foot and a half long, these are unique burrowing snakes. They are usually docile snakes that burrow their entire body under sand while keeping just their tiny head exposed to strike at passing prey. They are beautifully colored with yellow and brown patterns.

Kenyan Sand Boa (Eryx colubrinus loverridgei), East Africa
Andrew Bee / Getty Images


Ball Python

Arguably the most popular pet snake there is, the ball python is a very even-tempered, docile snake. They only grow to be about 3-5 feet in length but can live as long as 35 years in captivity. They get their name from the tight ball they curl up into when they feel threatened. These snakes don't require much in the way of heating or lighting and make great first snake pets but do have specific requirements to stay healthy. Find out more here.

Royal Python/ Ball Python (Python regius), studio shot
Simon Murrell / Getty Images

Burmese Python

These are large snakes but still regularly seen as pets. Growing to be 15-20 feet long (and sometimes even longer), Burmese are usually pretty docile but a little more active than your smaller ball python. Feeding these big guys isn't for someone scared of handling dead rats, or other larger prey items. Due to their heavy weight when full grown and their extreme length, Burmese pythons may be better left for adult snake owners.

Slithering Burmese Python (Python molurus), view from above.
Dave King / Getty Images

Green Tree Python

Arboreal snakes add a little more interest to a typical snake enclosure. Green tree pythons like to curl up in an elegant clump and hang onto a little tree limb. Very vibrant green (sometimes with yellow or blue dots) as adults, they reach lengths of about 5 feet and are often confused with the emerald tree boa.

Green Tree Python (Morelia viridis), captive
Martin Siepmann / Getty Images

Blood Python

Known to be a little temperamental, the blood python is a stocky snake with lovely patterns. They have short tails and can grow to be between 6 and 8 feet long. They get their name from the brick-red blotches commonly found in their patterns.

Blood Python
John Pitcher / Getty Images


King Snake

Closely related to the milk snake, king snakes grow to be about 5-7 feet in length making them a smaller pet snake. They got their name from the fact that they will readily eat other snakes so they should definitely be housed alone. King snakes are native to North America and breed regularly in captivity so finding a captive-bred pet shouldn't be difficult.

Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi
David Bygott / Getty Images

Milk Snake

Actually, a species king snake, the milk snake is most commonly seen in the pet trade closely mimics the color patterns of the venomous coral snake (known as Batesian mimicry). The common saying, "Red on yellow will kill a fellow, but red on black is a friend of Jack" refers to the band patterns found on coral and milk snakes. Coral snakes have red bands next to yellow bands while milk snakes have red bands next to black bands.

Pueblan Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli)
Simon Murrell / Getty Images

Black Rat Snake

Perhaps one of the plainer looking snakes, the rat snake makes up for his lack of luster in his athletic abilities. Able to swim and climb trees, this is an active snake. They will wrinkle their bodies up to resemble a rattlesnake and even vibrate the ends of their tails when startled or frightened. The rat snake constricts his prey before eating it and is native to the central and eastern United States.

Black Ratsnake (Elaphe obsoleta), New York, USA
John Cancalosi / Getty Images

Corn Snake

A species of rat snake, the corn snake is a popular beginners snake due it's small size but also a well-loved snake to the experienced keeper because of their varying color patterns. Corn snakes usually max out at about 5 feet and are excellent escape artists, as are many snakes. They aren't known to be biters and are pretty docile snakes.

Sunglow Corn Snake, Sunglow Cornsnake (Pantherophis guttatus)
Dave King (c) Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images
  • How much is a pet snake?

    Depending on breed, your pet snake can cost anywhere from $15 to $1000.

  • Where can I buy a pet snake?

    Local pet shops are a great place to find a snake; you can also look online for reputable breeders.

  • How do you hold a snake?

    Gently pick up the snake in the middle, and don't hold on too tight. Remember to support it with both hands.

  • How do you pet a snake?

    You don't. Snakes do not love being pet, but with some time and familiarity yours won't mind being handled by you.