The number of coat colors that pet rabbits can come in is long and sometimes confusing. The following list covers the basic color descriptions or color groups found in pet rabbits. Not all breeds of pet rabbits can come in all of these colors or patterns.
Colors and Patterns
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Agouti Fur Types
Mary Swift / Getty Images
- Agouti: Bands of color occur on each hair in rabbits with agouti fur. The colors of these bands vary depending on the type of agouti coloration.
- Brown-gray agouti: The individual hairs of this color of rabbit are blue at the base (closest to the skin) then medium tan, charcoal, and finally tan at the tip.
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Black Fur Types
Yun Han Xu / EyeEm / Getty Images
- Black otter: This pattern includes a black body with a lighter underside, hair may be orange tinted at the border of the black and lighter color.
- Black: Dark black.
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Blue Fur Types
robert reader / Getty Images
- Blue: Medium or slate blue.
- Blue otter: Blue coat with fawn tipped guard hairs and fawn areas.
- Blue steel: Blue with silver or tan "ticking."
- Blue tortoiseshell: Blue and beige.
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Broken Pattern
Danielle Kiemel / Getty Images
- Broken: This pattern can include rabbits that have white fur with any color patches or spots, with nose markings, colored ears, and/or eye circles.
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Californian Fur
strike0 / Getty Images
- Californian: White body with black on nose, ears, tail, and feet.
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Castor Fur
GlobalP / Getty Images
- Castor: This is a pattern that has brown fur over top, a slate blue undercoat, with orange or red in between.
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Chinchilla Fur
coramueller / Getty Images
- Chinchilla: Slate or black blended with pearl and black tipped guard hairs.
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Cinnamon Fur
Eric Wright / FOAP / Getty Images
- Cinnamon: Rust or reddish-brown color.
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Chocolate Fur Types
Robin Deimel / Getty Images
- Chocolate: Deep dark brown color.
- Chocolate agouti: Bands of tan and chocolate with a chestnut tip.
- Chocolate chinchilla: Chocolate and pearl with chocolate tipped guard hairs.
- Chocolate steel: Chocolate with tan or silver ticking.
- Chocolate tortoiseshell: Creamy chocolate with fawn.
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Cream Fur
Pablo Martinez / Unsplash
- Cream: Pinkish beige to almond color.
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Fawn Fur
rattanpat / Getty Images
- Fawn: Straw color.
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Frosted Pearl Fur
Oier Aso Poza / Getty Images
- Frosted pearl: Pearl with black, blue, chocolate, or lilac shading.
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Gray Fur Types
coramueller / Getty Images
- Gray: Three different colors of hair: black, black with tan tip, black with a tan band, and slate undercolor.
- Light gray: Agouti with slate blue at the base of the hair, off-white in the middle, and light gray at the tip with black tipped guard hairs.
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Lilac Fur Types
- Lilac: Pinkish pale gray.
- Lilac chinchilla: Lilac and pearl ticked with lilac tipped guard hairs.
- Lilac steel: Lilac with tan or silver ticking.
- Lilac tortoiseshell: Lilac and beige.
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Opal Fur
Stan Steenkamp / EyeEm / Getty Images
- Opal agouti: Slate blue at the base of hair then gold then a blue tip.
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Orange Fur
Martin Ruegner / Getty Images
- Orange: Light to bright orange color.
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Pearl Fur
Astakhova / Getty Images
- Pearl: Light creamy gray color.
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Pointed White Fur
Misha Walker / Unsplash
- Pointed white: White with a black, blue, chocolate, or lilac colored nose, ears, feet, and tail (like a classic Himalayan cat coloring).
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Red Fur
SaskiaFire / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
- Red: Rich brown red color.
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Sable Fur Types
Tjflex2 / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
- Sable: Dark grayish brown color.
- Sable marten: Siamese sable coloring with silver-tipped guard hairs.
- Sable point: Cream body and sable on the nose, ears, feet, and tail.
- Seal: Dark (almost black) sable color.
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Sandy Fur
krithnarong / Getty Images
- Sandy: Reddish tan color.
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Self-Group Fur
Sergio Arze / Unsplash
- Self-group: Solid color in black, blue, lilac, blue-eyed white, and ruby-eyed white.
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Shaded Group Fur
David-Prado / Getty Images
- Shaded group: Color transitions from dark to light (e.g. frosted pearl, sable, sable point, siamese sable, seal, tortoise).
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Silver Fur Types
mstudeny / Getty Images
- Silver or silver fox: Silver with white or white tipped hairs.
- Silver Marten: Black, blue, chocolate, or lilac color with silver-white markings and silver-tipped guard hairs.
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Tan Pattern
Carmen Romero / Getty Images
- Tan Pattern: Marks (not necessarily tan) on the nostrils, eye circles, jowls, inside ears, belly, inside leg, and underside of tail. Groups included marten and otter colorations.
- Tan Pattern: Marks (not necessarily tan) on the nostrils, eye circles, jowls, inside ears, belly, inside leg, and underside of tail. Groups included marten and otter colorations.
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Ticking Fur
AppleZoomZoom / Getty Images
- Ticking: Solid or tipped guard hairs different than the main coat color interspersed throughout the coat.
- Ticking: Solid or tipped guard hairs different than the main coat color interspersed throughout the coat.
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Tortoise Fur Types
Jannes Pockele / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
- Tortoise: Orange with black, blue, chocolate, or lilac.
- Tortoiseshell: Orange or dark fawn and black.
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Tri-colored Fur
DepthofField / Getty Images
- Tri-colored: White with either black and orange, lavender blue and fawn, chocolate and orange, or gray and fawn colors.