Leafy Green Vegetables to Feed Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons need leafy greens daily as part of a balanced diet

Close-up of bearded dragon feeding on leaf vegetable
Meghan Mercadante / EyeEm / Getty Images

Adult bearded dragons need a variety of dark, leafy greens to eat on a daily basis. In addition to some crickets and other insects, these greens provide the vitamins and minerals they need to stay strong and healthy.

What Dark, Leafy Greens You Can Feed Your Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons should eat a variety of different dark, leafy green vegetables. Different greens have different vitamin and calcium contents. By mixing up what you give your lizard, you can make sure you are feeding him a balanced diet.

Leafy Greens for Bearded Dragon

The Spruce / Lara Antal

The majority of the greens that you offer should have a higher calcium to phosphorous ratio, to prevent and correct metabolic bone disease. Other greens include:

  • Endive (escarole) (has a 1.9:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Radicchio
Raw Radicchio
Maximilian Stock Ltd. / Getty Images
  • Chicory (has a 2.1:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Spring Mix (romaine, oak leaf lettuce, endive, chicory)
  • Carrot Tops

Greens that contain low amounts of oxalates and bind calcium should be offered in small amounts and not excluded entirely from the diet:

  • Mustard Greens (contains 7.7 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens)
  • Watercress (contains 10 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Kale (contains 13 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.4:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
Bowl of raw kale
Larissa Veronesi / Getty Images
  • Dandelion Greens (contains 24.6 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.8:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Escarole (contains 31 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens)

Greens that contain high amounts of oxalates and bind calcium should only be offered on a rare occasion and in very small amounts (if at all). Some people recommend avoiding them all together:

  • Swiss Chard (contains 645 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 1.1:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Spinach (contains 600-750 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Beet Greens (contains 610 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 3:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Parsley (contains 100 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 2.4:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
  • Collard Greens (contains 74 mg of oxalates per 100 g of greens, has a 14.5:1 calcium to phos. ratio)
Raw collard greens
Jennifer Levy​ / Getty Images

Romaine, iceberg, red, and green lettuces should only be offered in small amounts (yes, spring mix contains some of these). They are primarily made of water and are mostly devoid of nutritional value. On the other hand, if your beardie is dehydrated or doesn't have access to water for some reason, it is great to feed these lettuces. 

What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Won't Eat These Greens

Many bearded dragons develop preferences for certain greens and become picky when it comes time to eat. They may only want what isn't good for them, but that doesn't mean that's all they should be fed. When dealing with a finicky eater, continue to offer a variety of greens mixed up as a salad. If your beardie normally eats insects with no problems, try adding them to the salad to get his attention. If that doesn't work, you can also try adding small amounts of red fruits such as red raspberries or strawberries as "sprinkles" on top of the salad. The red color often draws his attention to his salad and may entice him to eat. 

Some people have had luck with adding in some colored bearded dragon pelleted food from the pet store. 

What Else Your Bearded Dragon Should Eat

In addition to a variety of greens, your bearded dragon should get plenty of gut-loaded crickets and other insects, some fruits, and vegetables such as squash and bell peppers.

Bearded dragon pellets are not recommended as a staple food but are okay to offer alongside the greens and other foods that are more natural than pellets.

Adding a light dusting of calcium powder to your dragon's salad a few times a week is also a good idea to make sure he is getting adequate amounts of the important mineral.

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  1. Bearded Dragons - Feeding. VCA Hospitals.

  2. Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases of Reptiles. Merck Veterinary Manual.