In their natural habitats, clownfish and anemones have a symbiotic relationship; both need the other to survive. Clownfish rely on anemones for protection from predators, while anemones rely on clownfish for food.
Different types of clownfish tend to prefer living with, or hosting, different types of anemones. If you're setting up an aquarium and would like to keep clownfish and anemones, it makes sense to try one these natural pairings, but don't be surprised if your clownfish have different ideas.
As with any critter in the ocean, nothing is cast in stone, and many clownfish will not go anywhere near their "preferred" anemone. Clownfish have been known to host many things other than anemones, including feather dusters and toadstool corals after rejecting every anemone presented to it.
Some aquarists believe that tank-raised clownfish do not host anemones as readily as wild-caught clownfish after a few generations. The suggested reason is that their parents and grandparents have never seen anemones and therefore have lost the instinct or need for the protection from potential predators.
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Cinnamon, Red and Black (Amphiprion melanopus) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (Heteractis crispa)
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Clark's Yellowtail (Amphiprion clarkii) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Carpet Sea Anemone (Cryptodendrum adhaesivum)
- Bubble Tip Anemone (Entacmaea quadricolor)
- Beaded (Aurora) Sea Anemone (H. aurora)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
- Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
- Malu Anemone (H. malu)
- Corkscrew (Long Tentacle) Sea Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis)
- Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea)
- Haddon's (Saddleback Carpet) Sea Anemone (S. haddoni)
- Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
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Maroon, Spinecheek, White-Stripe, Gold-Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)
- Corkscrew (Long Tentacle) Sea Anemone (M. doreensis)
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Ocellaris, False Percula (Amphiprion ocellaris) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
- Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (S. gigantea)
- Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
- May adapt to Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor) in aquariums
- Also known to host the Haddon's Saddle Carpet Anemone (S. haddoni)
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Orange Skunk (Amphiprion sandaracinos) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
- Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
- May adapt to other anemones in aquariums
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Percula, True Percula, Clown Anemonefish (Amphiprion percula) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
- Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
- Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (S. gigantea)
- Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
- May adapt to Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor) and other anemones in aquariums
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Pink Skunk Clownfish (Amphiprion perideraion) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
- Corkscrew (Long Tentacle) Sea Anemone (M. doreensis)
- Giant Carpet Sea Anemone (S. gigantea)
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Red Saddleback, Fire (Amphiprion ephippium)
Host Anemones:
- Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
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Saddleback (Amphiprion polymnus) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Haddon's (Saddleback Carpet) Sea Anemone (S. haddoni)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)
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Sebae, Seba's (Amphiprion sebae) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Haddon's (Saddleback Carpet) Sea Anemone (S. haddoni)
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Skunk (Amphiprion akallopisos) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Magnificent Sea Anemone (H. magnifica)
- Merten's Carpet Sea Anemone (S. mertensii)
- May adapt to Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor), and other anemones in aquariums
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Tomato, Red (Amphiprion frenatus) Clownfish
Host Anemones:
- Bubble Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)
- Leathery (Sebae) Sea Anemone (H. crispa)