Reproductive Health in Cats
Learn about reproductive health in your cat, including spaying, neutering, pregnancy and more.
Helping a Pregnant Cat During Labor
How Can I Tell the Sex of a Cat?
Mastitis In Cats
6 Ways to Tell If Your Female Cat Is in Heat
Guide to Cat Mating and Reproduction
Postnatal Care of a Mother Cat and Her Newborn Kittens
What to Do if a Mother Cat Can't Nurse Her Kittens
Cats in Heat: The Length of Estrus
Can My Spayed Cat Still Be in Heat?
Why Do Female Cats Spray?
Should You Spay a Pregnant Cat?
Is a Belly Lump Normal in Cats After Spay Surgery?
Cat Pregnancy Stages
Should a Rescued Pregnant Cat Be Spayed?
Are Calico Cats Always Female?
What to Expect When Your Cat Is in Heat
How Soon Can a Cat Go Into Heat After Giving Birth?
Are Cats Still Sexually Active After Spay & Neutering?
Mating and Conception in Cats
How to Care for a Pregnant Cat
How Many Litters Can a Cat Birth in One Year?
What Happens When a Cat is Spayed?
Compelling Arguments for Early Spay and Neuter of Cats
Do Cats Have Menopause?
Heat (Estrus) Cycles in Cats